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Updated: Aug 26, 2021

A friend and I were discussing the loss of loved ones in our lives that have passed on. There is no easy way to deal with certain losses that plummet us into deep, deep sadness. Those people who have touched our lives in such a positive way and have positively taken up such a large space during a significant amount of time in our lives, now gone. That positive and significant amount of space in our lives becomes a substantial large empty void in our lives that can never be filled. The stages of grief appear to stall on one stage and may remain there, or so it always seems. It is an uninhabited void that will always be there... without our loved one’s positive physical existence filling it. What we can do is feel blessed to have had them in our lives. They are the good instilled within us that still shine through (Thank you Mom). What we can and should do is continue on, living our best life possible, in memory of those dearly departed loved ones who have touched our lives in such a beautiful way.


Updated: Jul 19, 2021

Our investigation visit to McInteer Villa in Atchison, Kansas. I have since started the review process upon returning back home. I posted pictures for the website blog from our outing for your viewing. It is a beautiful and interesting place.


I moved into the house I live in now in 2018. I always kind of knew there was some sort of spirit existence lingering in here. It started out with me seeing a light-colored mist, out of the corner of my eye, on the stairs leading to the basement. I would look over and nothing would be there. I just brushed it off and just thought... "Nah." I got my dog Churro, aka Cheerio, from the Humane Society within the year I moved in here. Churro kept looking over at those same stairs and staring. I thought, well, maybe? As time progressed I started to hear things. Lying in bed one night I heard a loud thud as if something was dropped on the floor. I got up to investigate, but nothing was out of order, and no one broke into the house. There was yet another incident while I was in the kitchen and I heard a woman say something in the hallway leading to and from the bedrooms, yet I was the only one in the house. A friend that I would talk to on the phone would hear a lady on my end of the phone, yet again, I was the only one in the house and did not have anything running (such as a television, computer, or radio). The latest incident on this was when I was testing out an audio recorder in the house to take with me on an investigation. I was testing the mic on the audio recorder for a distance check. When reviewing the playback on the mic check, I again was alone in the house, yet a woman's voice can be heard slightly in the background. On the part of the review, when I was about to turn the audio recorder off something interesting also comes across. In that section of audio a young woman saying "Hey" is heard. I guess it is now known that yes, there is a presence within the house I live. Adding to the above, there also may be another presence within the house, a male spirit. I say this because at 4 am one morning I left my dog Churro outside. I shut the door and started walking back through my kitchen. While halfway through, to enter into the living room, a male voice appeared to whisper my name in/near my ear. I guess time will tell if I experience anything more here, but then I don't interact with what may be here. I co-exist because whatever may be here, isn't causing me problems. I am sure, however, I will experience more as time goes on.

Below is the recording from the mic check of the audio recorder. The one thing I found interesting about the "Hey" at the end is that it sounds oddly like the one we caught at the Beattie Mansion in St. Joseph, Missouri.


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