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Updated: Jul 2, 2021

* My daughter and her roommate/housemate were sitting around at their house. A pot in the kitchen falls off a hanging hook. Alexa then says "Hello... I am here." When she told me about that encounter I said that it was kind of freaky cool... but told her Alexa is banned from being in my house.

* A friend and I had a discussion, in the distant past, of the higher paranormal activity areas that take place in old mental hospitals (abandoned, and others that are still in operation). She had good questions, observations, and points of view on our discussion topic (aside from the intelligent and residual type of presences)... one of which stating;

- " If you are already mad and your life as you know it ends, are you still not mad? Can you imagine the restlessness of those souls?"

"You are trapped in that mind, a prisoner. If you are not aware that you are living can you be aware that you are dead?"

"On the other hand... maybe they are more active because they are no longer restrained to medications, or doctors, and etc....they are "living" now."

* I had an odd experience/feeling the other night, the first one of this kind ever. I was getting settled into bed and fiddling with the television remotes. Without any thoughts prior that would have justified or brought about this personal incident/experience. Out of nowhere, and abruptly, I felt the presence of my departed dad. There weren't thoughts of "I wonder if dad is around" it was an absolute "Dad is here" without a doubt feeling. The feeling was gone just as quickly as it came. I am not Sensitive as far as paranormal spirits are concerned. I being a paranormal investigator have felt a wide range of feelings on the locations we investigated. This was a sudden and absolute... and more personal kind of experience. Dad had a serious aura about him in life... and I felt that at that fleeting moment. It was one of those very odd and at present one of a kind, not-normal moments/experiences. After the encounter of the short-lived sensing, I thought to myself... "How incredibly odd..." ~DW

* Without experience is without knowledge. There are those instances where the truth is eclipsed by the short-sighted and the narrow /closed-minded. Some truths have to be pursued and investigated in order to be found out. The existence of facts is sometimes hard to recognize when the mind is rigid and inflexible. ~DW

* There is a tranquilizing and haunting ambiance/aura the moon emulates. It bequeaths an inner hush, a sense of innate natural sedation. ~DW

* The history of a place can answer a lot of questions on who, what, where, when, and even why. There are however some of history's secrets that will never be known. Chapters of history now scorched, now turned to ash, strewn and scattered by the winds of time. Secrets that may have been known only by a few, those few who are now just a memory, a recollection, a place in history. ~DW

* God gave human beings free will. I believe this continues into the afterlife in spirit... along with the personality of who that person was while alive. I believe that free will is what may keep earthbound spirits from passing on to where they should go (at least one of the reasons). This is just my opinion/theory. ~DW


All matter, including the human body, is composed of energy, but it is also said so are our psychological processes, such as our thoughts and emotions. What I would like to know is if when that energy is released from our body at the time of death, does our own personal consciousness leave our body and continue on with that release of energy. Through the years of paranormal investigations I have run across instances where that energy is evident on audio. There are 3 separate instances that come to mind. On one was on an audio recorder set on a tombstone in a grave yard. On that one the mic of the recorder sounded as if it was getting smothered. There was an energy type of static combined with an underscore of a male whisper that could barely be heard. Then soon after the energy sounded to be released from the mic, it became silent once more. The 2nd was in an old abandoned hospital. On that particular audio there was literally a crackle type of energy before a metal door knob pin was hurled by something unseen, in which appeared to be an attempt to hit one of the people there that night. The very odd thing on that one was while the crackle and the slight tinging of metal was heard on the audio, none of the people standing there heard it at the time with their own ears. The 3rd was on audio of an old case about a 4 year old boy called Jase. Jase would be scared to the point of screaming of fear, at night and during the day of what he was seeing and hearing, seeing and hearing that no one else in the house did. We were called in to investigate. During the investigation Jase stayed at his Grandparent's house, because we think it is dangerous to have children there during investigations, for many reasons. We came away with one interesting experience of something getting dropped hard in the upstairs bathroom, on the floor above us, when we were on the main level floor below. I went upstairs into Jase's room and did an e.v.p. session alone. The audio in Jase's room was set down on the dresser top area. Here is that audio section. You can actually hear that classic energy crackle then static sound, then a voice that appears to say "I can't find him." I am assuming this was a response meaning that Jase wasn't there during the investigation. Keep in mind when listening to the clip that there is a distant voice, separate from the evp, in the background, which is another investigator speaking in a room down the hallway. Enjoy the clip!


Updated: Jul 3, 2021

I came across an experience involving this woman I know. Due to privacy concerns I won't be using any personal real names. I will refer to her as "Lynn." Lynn and her sisters suffered physical and sexual abuse by the hands of their stepfather, I will refer to the stepfather as "Curt." These abuses were continuous over a 3-year span (starting with Lynn at the age of 9 until she reached the age of 13 years old). After those 3 years the marriage dissolved between Lynn's mother and Curt. The marriage did not dissolve because of the abuses; the mother actually defended/protected Curt when Lynn told her about the abuses. Lynn's mother was a drug addict and that lifestyle may have contributed to her decision to side with and defend Curt. Curt's life ended in the 80's on the streets of Baltimore, in the day light hours. He died of a point blank gunshot to the head when in the act of a drug deal gone bad. Pertaining to the paranormal Lynn would be considered a kind of sensitive. She recently had been looking for closure for her Great Grandmother's death in August of 2012. I will refer to her as "May." Lynn was very close to May. She was feeling some guilt for not being there when May passed away. Lynn searched for a way to try and connect with May through a medium/sensitive. She one day decided to call a medium who happened to be on a certain radio program. Keep in mind this was a cold call in which Lynn only revealed her first name. During the initial part of the call the medium told her someone was coming through to communicate with her. Lynn was told at that time that the person coming through is not the one she called in for to connect with. The medium stated "He wants to let you know that he is sorry for all the pain he put you, your sisters, and your mom through. He stated "I am a better person now, but however, I can't move forward until you, your sisters, and your mother find it in your hearts to forgive me." The medium validated who was coming through on this session, by relaying the exact details of Curt's death, and certain details of the abuses he inflicted upon them. The abuses though could not be explained over the radio due to the graphic details (the program was being aired live). Every bit of information received from the medium was matched perfectly to the events of Curt's actions, and the details of his death. Lynn took it upon herself to call her family members who were affected by Curt's abuses. She, and her sisters, have forgiven him. Lynn's mother however stated that she would never forgive him. So it is assumed Curt will never be able to move on, and remain in limbo for the type of person he was during his lifetime. This true story does appear to go hand in hand with the saying "You reap, what you sow." What kind of person you are in your lifetime has its consequences in the hereafter.


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