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The Paranormal Perimeter

Close to Home (names have been changed)

Benson came to a friend of his mom’s in a dream. He stated “I am sorry I left the way I did and left Mom, Dad, and my brothers so very deeply saddened.” Benson stated to her also that he is happy and wanted his family to know that. Benson’s mom’s friend we will refer to as Bethany, Benson’s mom as Julia. The series of events all started with the above dream Bethany had. Benson is a 22 year old young man who died in his sleep and never woke up to the world he lived in. He was a very much loved son, grandson, brother, cousin, nephew, and friend. Benson revealed other circumstances of his death in the dream to Bethany that was not revealed to her, or anyone else. Bethany, shortly after the dream, received 2 phone calls with no destination numbers on her phone’s caller id. Bethany picked up the phone on the first call with no one saying anything on the other end. She hung up the phone, ending the call… shortly after Bethany received another similar call. On a whim or a feeling, she said to the silence on the other end of her phone call, “Benson… I have a feeling this is you and you are trying to get a hold of your mom. You need to do that.” Up to this point Julia knew nothing about Bethany's dream of Benson, or the odd silent phone calls. Bethany went on a trip to Colorado shortly after the sequence of events. While Bethany was in Colorado Julia received a phone call. At the time of this phone call Julia was on her phone so she decided to let voice mail answer it. Julia checked the caller id, at the time the call was in-coming, and noted the phone call was from her friend's phone, Bethany. Julia checked the incoming voice mail call from Bethany's phone. On the voice mail review was a static and muffled sound. It was the clear voice of a young male voice saying "Heeellloooo Juuuulllia." There was also a short period of static/muffled speech, then the phone call ended. The male voice was what appeared to sound like Benson's, exactly like Benson's, but in his quirky sense of humor accent he used quite often when calling his mom, Julia, when she was at work. Julia called back Bethany's phone and did not connect directly with her, but got her voice mail. Julia left a message stating "Hello Bethany." "I received a message from your phone but, oddly enough, it wasn't your voice." "In fact it was a male voice." At this point Julia was still in shock from the message she received. Julia did not reveal anymore about the message than the above. All the way up to this point it was a voice mail back and forth communication. Bethany eventually called Julia back and left a voice mail stating "I don't know what to tell you on that one Julia, but, I didn't call you... weird." Bethany then told Julia where she was at, her location of Colorado. Julia eventually revealed to Bethany that the voice in the message sounded like Benson's. Bethany wasn't going to tell Julia about her dream and the phone calls she received. Bethany, upon notification of the voice sounding exactly like Benson's, decided to reveal her personal events that led up to the message Julia received. The voice though was so identical to Benson's that people that listened to the voice mail, that knew Benson well, were shocked and or baffled by it. The dream, the two phone calls to Bethany with no caller id number (with what appeared to be no one on the other end), and the phone call to Julia. The sequence of events makes one wonder. If it was just one of the above occurrences, one could easily brush it off. The series of events that appear to neatly fit together, for one with an open mind, may be considered something more than just an every day logical experience. The odd thing is Bethany stated, that if this being Benson, he needed to contact his mother. Then, with Bethany's phone, a phone call went out to Julia that was not Bethany. It is a true tale coming close from home that has me thinking over and over again about the events. For me personally, it's hard to brush off as pure coincidental and or logical events. I am a paranormal investigator... but I am skeptical and that keeps me grounded and looking VERY hard for the logical everyday reasons, on EVERY investigation, on the possible evidence we catch. These above events, even though as I say are close to home, I treat the same as any other as far as possible evidence/proof of life after death. In this case, I asked a lot of questions, and with that, noticed the puzzle pieces of the events fitting so nicely together. I am an open minded skeptic, but wonder often about the above experiences.

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