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The Paranormal Perimeter

In the Life of One

Updated: Jul 3, 2021

I came across an experience involving this woman I know. Due to privacy concerns I won't be using any personal real names. I will refer to her as "Lynn." Lynn and her sisters suffered physical and sexual abuse by the hands of their stepfather, I will refer to the stepfather as "Curt." These abuses were continuous over a 3-year span (starting with Lynn at the age of 9 until she reached the age of 13 years old). After those 3 years the marriage dissolved between Lynn's mother and Curt. The marriage did not dissolve because of the abuses; the mother actually defended/protected Curt when Lynn told her about the abuses. Lynn's mother was a drug addict and that lifestyle may have contributed to her decision to side with and defend Curt. Curt's life ended in the 80's on the streets of Baltimore, in the day light hours. He died of a point blank gunshot to the head when in the act of a drug deal gone bad. Pertaining to the paranormal Lynn would be considered a kind of sensitive. She recently had been looking for closure for her Great Grandmother's death in August of 2012. I will refer to her as "May." Lynn was very close to May. She was feeling some guilt for not being there when May passed away. Lynn searched for a way to try and connect with May through a medium/sensitive. She one day decided to call a medium who happened to be on a certain radio program. Keep in mind this was a cold call in which Lynn only revealed her first name. During the initial part of the call the medium told her someone was coming through to communicate with her. Lynn was told at that time that the person coming through is not the one she called in for to connect with. The medium stated "He wants to let you know that he is sorry for all the pain he put you, your sisters, and your mom through. He stated "I am a better person now, but however, I can't move forward until you, your sisters, and your mother find it in your hearts to forgive me." The medium validated who was coming through on this session, by relaying the exact details of Curt's death, and certain details of the abuses he inflicted upon them. The abuses though could not be explained over the radio due to the graphic details (the program was being aired live). Every bit of information received from the medium was matched perfectly to the events of Curt's actions, and the details of his death. Lynn took it upon herself to call her family members who were affected by Curt's abuses. She, and her sisters, have forgiven him. Lynn's mother however stated that she would never forgive him. So it is assumed Curt will never be able to move on, and remain in limbo for the type of person he was during his lifetime. This true story does appear to go hand in hand with the saying "You reap, what you sow." What kind of person you are in your lifetime has its consequences in the hereafter.

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