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The Paranormal Perimeter

Ouija... Just a Board Game?

Ouija boards… simple board games… or are they a kind of portal/doorway to the other side/realm? Speaking for myself I won’t, and never will, mess with them. I have had friends who have had negative experiences with them. One instance comes to mind when I actually interviewed a friend who has had just that, a negative experience. I shall call her Cheryl. This experience was shared also by another friend, I shall call her Marcy. I knew Cheryl and Marcy quite well. They partook in Ouija board sessions often. They would tell me of all the possible spirits that would come through on their sessions. One of which was a little boy. Years later on my interview with Cheryl, she told me the reason why she stopped using the board, and why she would never touch another Ouija board again. Cheryl told me of what occurred on that one particular summer night. The weather that evening was a stormy one, complete with quite a bit of lightening. Cheryl and Marcy were at a friend’s house. This friend lived with her mother and 2 brothers. The night started out with their ‘normal’ Ouija board sessions, nothing really unusual was happening in between their questions. Then they asked the board “Will someone that lives at this house get seriously hurt, or die soon?” It was told to me that before they could all rest their hands on the slider fully… the slider very quickly slid over to the “Yes” on the board. They all screamed and shot up off their chairs and ran outside. The board was eventually put away that night and Cheryl has not touched the Ouija board since. The next summer there was a horrible accident that involved that friend’s brother who lived at the house. The accident involved him while driving his motorcycle on a highway next to this small town. The highway was under some major new reconstruction. The friend’s brother was driving over a hill and slammed into a construction truck. He was in a coma for number of years... and has never fully recovered. Cheryl to this day wonders often if this accident was a result of the use of the board, or maybe just an incident that was destined to take place and foretold, or possibly... just totally coincidental? I personally know Cheryl. She is of sound mind and quite intelligent. I have no reason to not believe in Cheryl and her experiences with this board. So does this board have any relationship relating to the paranormal? Going by what I have heard with Cheryl’s experiences alone… I am not willing to find out by investigating it by personally partaking in its use of ‘fun’.

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