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The Paranormal Perimeter

Possible In-House Presence

I moved into the house I live in now in 2018. I always kind of knew there was some sort of spirit existence lingering in here. It started out with me seeing a light-colored mist, out of the corner of my eye, on the stairs leading to the basement. I would look over and nothing would be there. I just brushed it off and just thought... "Nah." I got my dog Churro, aka Cheerio, from the Humane Society within the year I moved in here. Churro kept looking over at those same stairs and staring. I thought, well, maybe? As time progressed I started to hear things. Lying in bed one night I heard a loud thud as if something was dropped on the floor. I got up to investigate, but nothing was out of order, and no one broke into the house. There was yet another incident while I was in the kitchen and I heard a woman say something in the hallway leading to and from the bedrooms, yet I was the only one in the house. A friend that I would talk to on the phone would hear a lady on my end of the phone, yet again, I was the only one in the house and did not have anything running (such as a television, computer, or radio). The latest incident on this was when I was testing out an audio recorder in the house to take with me on an investigation. I was testing the mic on the audio recorder for a distance check. When reviewing the playback on the mic check, I again was alone in the house, yet a woman's voice can be heard slightly in the background. On the part of the review, when I was about to turn the audio recorder off something interesting also comes across. In that section of audio a young woman saying "Hey" is heard. I guess it is now known that yes, there is a presence within the house I live. Adding to the above, there also may be another presence within the house, a male spirit. I say this because at 4 am one morning I left my dog Churro outside. I shut the door and started walking back through my kitchen. While halfway through, to enter into the living room, a male voice appeared to whisper my name in/near my ear. I guess time will tell if I experience anything more here, but then I don't interact with what may be here. I co-exist because whatever may be here, isn't causing me problems. I am sure, however, I will experience more as time goes on.

Below is the recording from the mic check of the audio recorder. The one thing I found interesting about the "Hey" at the end is that it sounds oddly like the one we caught at the Beattie Mansion in St. Joseph, Missouri.

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