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The Paranormal Perimeter/Eventide Paranormal Conducts a Private Residence Paranormal Investigation (3SCTP1)

This Private Residence Investigation took place in North Platte, Nebraska. The residents of the house are husband, wife, and a child.  The family had a pet cat also which appeared to get tormented by the possible presence. The child was said to have been pushed by that same presence. At this time the wife/mom was pregnant and whatever was there appeared to be connected to her. The husband was affected minimally. The wife stated she has had experiences before but never on the level it was happening at that present time. The question arised that due to her being pregnant may have heightened the activity a great deal, which to me made sense, but that was just a theory. She has had experiences of hearing boot steps up and down her basement stairs, seeing shadows, being scratched and possibly bitten, hearing talking in the house when no one else was there. She also had the experience of seeing indentions appear on her and her husband's bed, as if a presence was sitting or lying down. There was also an instance in which she was talking to a friend of hers on the phone, and while talking on the phone, her friend on the other end heard a male voice mocking her. Technical problems also arised on electronic equipment such as her phone. During the investigation we did encounter some technical issues with a few of our pieces of electronic equipment, such as our night vision video cameras during the investigation, issues we have not encountered on any other investigations. After our initial investigation the family had a pastor over to bless the house. The pastor started with blessing the top/main level floor of the house. Upon going into the basement the pastor had a bad feeling about going into the back rooms of the basement. The pastor would go no further and, due to that, left the blessing of the house incomplete. We told her we could come over and do a blessing of the house. Shortly after however her and her family moved from the house. They did not move because of the negative experiences, but rather job changes. We have not heard from her since their move, but wish the very best for her and her family. It was nice meeting them. Due to our experiences, what we encountered during the investigation, and upon the evidence review captures, it appeared there was definitely something there... some kind of unseen by the human eye presence.

It was just Rose and me in the house, in the basement. Rose says "Thank-you." After there is a faint "You're welcome" that comes through. It should also be stated that the "You're welcome" was much louder when I heard it myself with my own ears.

This series of evp was an interesting catch. The client is talking about smelling flowers as one of her experiences she has had. Rose and the client are talking about those experiences. The client says "Yeah I smell..." Then comes through an evp saying "Yeah right..." Then further into the conversation the client says "I remember when I was upstairs I smelled..." Shortly after there is an evp that states a sentence, before the client states the same exact sentence.

Both Rose and the client are nearby but have stopped talking. You can hear the running of the dryer in the basement area where the audio was placed in that room. There comes through a definite male voice that appears to say "Help me."

Rose and the client were headed back upstairs. No one was talking at this time. I asked myself could this just be the squeaking and the noise of the stairs as they climbed it? I listened to all of the times we went up and down those stairs on audio, I did not hear anything that resembled a voice... except this one. The male voice appears to say "Let's go upstairs for a bit (or bed)." As one of our group members states, "His tone almost sounds like he is giving a tour. Like its HIS house."

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