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The Paranormal Perimeter/Eventide Paranormal Investigates


The Villisca, Iowa House

(a paranormal investigation)

A voice of what appears to be a little girl is caught on this stationary placed audio, between the kitchen and the room the Stillinger girls stayed in as guests on that terrible night of June 10th, 1912. Jen verbally marks on the audio of the end of their evp session in the house as they exit the house through the kitchen area. This was only caught on this particular audio recorder. Also heard on this section is what appears to be the sound of footsteps running across the kitchen floor as Jen closed the door going out.  This was found not to be any type of noise contamination (checked via other audio recorders).  This catch remains one of the top catches on audio of all time out of all the years I have been investigating.

This was caught on our 2nd investigation of the Villisca house. No one was in the house when the stationary audio captured this voice. The male voice appears to say "No one can help."

Dave asks if whatever may be there if it would want to play ball. There appears to be a response. It is not clear what is being said but clearly at the end of the reply the word "Ball" is said.

We are in the upstairs parent's room at this time.  Dave asks if we should move into the kid's room which is nearby.  Dave gets a response but it isn't from any fellow investigator.

We are in the upstairs children's bedroom. The small wind chimes hanging on the crib like bed make a noise.

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